Tuli Cattle - The Intelligent Choice

Tuli Cattle - The Intelligent Choice

Towards the end of 1976 the first Tulis, a group of thirty pregnant females and three bulls, were imported into South Africa from the T.B.S in Zimbabwe. The importers were the Bornmann family and a relation by marriage, Dr Fanie Kellerman. Dr Kellerman, a veterinarian, had at one stage worked in Zimbabwe where he had become aware of Tuli cattle and had been sufficiently impressed to want to import them. The first Tulis were introduced to the South African public at agricultural shows. Information days and prestige auctions were held and gradually the Tuli made its mark in South Africa too. The Tuli Cattle Breeders Society was officially formed on 24 March 1994 having been preceded by a Tuli Club. In 2013 there are about 72 Tuli Breeders with just over ±8400 live animals registered at SA Studbook.


The Tuli is eminently suited to extensive ranching systems. It has the unique ability to utilise even the worst quality grazing and still produce top quality meat. The amazing adaptability of the Tuli is self evident if one considers their distribution. Tulis can be found flourishing in sandy, semi desert areas in Namibia, Botswana and the Northern Cape; in hot heartwater bushveld areas such as Zimbabwe, Limpopo Province and the Lowveld of Mpumalanga; in the high rainfall, sourveld of high altitude Mpumalanga and Natal where redwater and gallsickness is rife; in the Drakensberg Mountains where snow falls regularly; on the extensive savannah grassland of the Free State; in the arid Karoo with it.s unique scrub bush; in the cold, misty mountains as well as the coastal bush of the Eastern Cape. Today there are also Tulis in Australia, Canada, the USA, South America and in tropical Zambia.


The Tuli is indigenous to Southern Africa with hardiness and adaptability bred into it through a process of natural selection over a period of at least two thousand years. In recent times attributes of economic value have been the aim of scientific selection and have given us the modern Tuli. In female animals the accent has been on fertility, milk production and low calf mortality while in bulls it has been growth, feed conversion and carcass quality. Great care has always been taken not to compromise the natural hardiness and adaptability of the breed. The Tuli developed in relative isolation and has a unique genetic make up which makes it particularly successful in cross breeding programs - not only is a high degree of hybrid vigour achieved but a large percentage of polled calves as well. Tuli steers and Tuli-cross calves finish faster off the veld than many other breeds.

Conformation of visual appearance as well as performance of the Tuli is monitored and enforced through the Tuli Breed Standards of Excellence.


Tuli Achievements

Vleissentraal SA Stud Book Elite Bull Growth Runner Up 2022

Congratulations to Ben Raath, Donkerhoek with nomination: DKH190011 (Red Bull), that represented the Tuli breed during Bloem Show on 2 May. Congratulations to Werner Gouws, Gouwsberg with the reserve G190031. Red Bull was crowned as the runner-up during the competition in which 16 beef cattle breeds participated.

Vleissentraal SA Stud Book Elite Bull Growth Runner Up 2022


Vleissentraal / SA Stud Book Elite Bull Growth Test Class Winner 2018

Baie geluk aan Ben Raath van Donkerhoek Boerdery Trust wie se bul DKH15-263 op 30 April 2018 as wenner van die Vleissentraal/SA Stamboek Elite bulgroeitoets klas aangewys is.

SA Stamboek Elite Bulgroeitoetsklas Wenner 2018
SA Stamboek Elite Bulgroeitoetsklas Wenner 2018



Tuli Cattle Highest Auction Price
Tuli Cattle Highest Auction Price 2021

The open heifer that holds the SA record price was A180026 from Colin Raath, Acacia Mountain Tulis sold to Cornelis Rautenbach, Nonnie Tulis for R52 000 at the Go West Sale 2021

Tuli Cattle Highest Auction Price 2021

The bull that holds the record price is CHK180220 sold in September 2022 for R260 000.00 from Casper Kriel, Casman Tuli’s sold to Cornelis Rautenbach, Nonnie Tuli's & Albie Rautenbach from Langlyf Tuli's.

Tuli Cattle Highest Auction Price 2021

The pregnant heifer that holds the SA record price was G20131 from Werner Gouws, Gouwsberg Tuli's sold to Cornelis Rautenbach, Nonnie Tulis for R60 000 at the Gouwsberg Sale 2023

Tuli Cattle Sire Summary

The Sire Summary lists the most promising proven and young bulls in the breed, as well as the Breeding Values of all proven sires in the breed. Tuli Sire Summary 


Tuli Cattle Year Planner class=

Tuli Cattle 2025 Year Planner


Tuli Cattle For Sale


Tuli Management Book

Members that want to receive the book in printed form (see example of the old version attached), can let the Office know. These members will be invoiced for the printed version at ±R88.50 plus the courier cost of R149.95 or Pep Stores Paxi of R59.95.


Tuli Bestuursboekie

Lede wat dit graag in drukvorm wil ontvang (sien ou voorbeeld aangeheg), kan die Kantoor laat weet hoeveel kopiëe. Hierdie lede sal faktureer word vir die boekies se drukwerk vir ±R88.50 elk en koerierkoste van R149.95 of Pep Stores Paxi van R59.95.


Tuli Pamflet


Tuli Young Bull List


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without the written consent of Tuli Cattle.